Monday, June 13, 2011

Update on the diaperless situation

Kiefer's been going diaperless in the day. In fact, he can nap without his diaper and not wet the bed. That's a 2-3hr dry stretch. We still keep him in diapers at night as he still wakes up in the morning with a fairly wet diaper. I wonder if it is just because he has diapers, he'll just pee at night. Anyway, the biggest issue now is that he doesn't tell when he wants to poop. He's pooped in his briefs on 2 occasions already! Just 2 days ago, he stood by the living room window, not moving and darn quiet. I thought he peed on the floor. He kept quiet even though I asked him if he peed (I was across the living room, at the dining table doing some work with Kieran). When I walked over, I realised he was shocked (and probably darn scared that he's gonna get a shelling), there was the biggest pile of poop on the floor! He just went and because he was only wearing shorts and no briefs, the poop simply fell onto the floor. He even stepped on a little of the poop! Luckily, the daddy was still at home and thus cleaned up the mess on the floor while I hauled the little fella into the bathroom to do a major scrub down! He hasn't pooped since that day and today I knew he was going to go and thus brought him to the toilet. But he didn't (or maybe couldn't) go. He asked for diapers but I didn't put it on for him. So gonna start watching for signs of pooping again.

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