Monday, April 06, 2009

naughty vs happy?

When Kieran is asked if he is naughty, he'll sometimes go "not naughty, happy!" He seems to think that 'happy ' is the opposite of 'naughty'. Wonder where he got that. Anyway, he is really getting quite naughty these days. He'll always take toys/books/things away from Kiefer, even though he is not interested in playing with them. He says that it's 'sharing' but in actual fact, his 'share' means he gets to hold the item. Very often, he also tries to carry Kiefer or attempts to stop him from holding on to drawer handles/ tables for support (when Fer tries to stand up). I don't know if he is doing so cos he feels that Kiefer will fall or he is just being naughty. Whatever the case is, it usually results in Kiefer falling down. :( Goodwill aside, there ARE incidences where he would purposely bully Kiefer. Just an hour ago, he waited for Kiefer to put his fingers near the drawers and then tried to close the drawers on Kiefer's fingers. That happened even tho Daddy told him not to do that. :( I think he is really trying to get attention but that is just so wrong. We really have to find a way to manage that!! I think we have to stop yelling at him/ smacking him cos he imitates our behaviour. He smacks Kiefer and yells at him cos we do that. :P However, sometimes that's our first reaction cos we are not near enough and we yell to get their attention. Gotta reflect on that.

Some great updates tho'. Kieran's language is improving again. He uses phrases like "it's not yours, it's mine!" (yes, when it comes to things that he wants) and he can express quite a lot nowadays. He is able to tell you what he wants (or doesn't want). Now we don't have to second guess him as often as we used to. Language-wise, he really has come a very long way. He now just has to improve on his bad behaviour!!

Well, we think we are entering the TERRIBLE THREES!

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