Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a week(s)!

Everything started with Kieran being a little sick, then me coming down with a bad case of cough and cold and losing my voice and then Hubby with the hearing problem. Then Kiefer got a viral infection somehow last weekend and had high fever all through the weekend. The fever only abated after about 3 days and right now, he is still recovering from the post-viral rash! (and yes, hopefully everything subsides by tomorrow! It's our little baby's 1st birthday tomorrow!! :D) We simply went through cycles of being sick, recovering partially and falling ill again. :(

However, the most 'memorable' incident to happen this week would really be the one where Kieran puked right onto Daddy's face! I think he was nursing a mild flu bug (that was barely noticeable except for the lousy appetite) at that time. He was just finishing up his milk when he suddenly complained that he had a tummyache. As I was trying to get Kiefer to sleep at that time, I called for the Daddy to come in to take him to the toilet. The Daddy carried him and without any warning, from the corner of my eye, I saw this projectile spray coming out from Kieran and onto Daddy's face!! The next thing I saw was Daddy's face (nose, mouth, everything), shirt was covered with puke. The sheets got it, the floor had it, the comforter was also marked. In the end, both father and son simply marched off to the bathroom and hosed down. And me? I had to strip everything and start the laundry going at 10pm at night! It took 3 loads of laundry to get everything cleaned! Also, I had to mop the floor too! After this entire episode, all Kieran said was "Mummy, Yakult please?" :P

PS: it was such a Kodak moment, but if I were to go get the camera instead of attending to them, I was sure to get an earful!! :P

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