About a month or so ago, we've been getting him to go diaperless once in a while just so he knows how good it feels without the wet and heavy diaper. He will usually not want to and sometimes makes a fuss. Me, being the lazy fella who doesn't feel that the stress associated with potty training is worth the trouble, decided a long time ago to just let things be. [Kieran was like this too. It was frustrating to try to potty train him. But once he's decided, he went off diapers in the day in about a month or less and soon after that (maybe another month), he was also off his night diapers.] Fast forward one month, now he usually will not want to wear his diaper in the day anymore. We've been going diaperless in the afternoons at home for about 3-4 days already. He only puts on his diaper pants when he attends school or when we know we will be out a long time. He's even managed to wake up from an afternoon nap with a dry diaper!
Yesterday, we were out for 3 hours, he asked to go toilet 2x and then wet his pants 10min after we came back home. On the whole, I thought that was a really good start. I do realise that he isn't really confident about holding his pee as he ask to go toilet quite a lot when he is diaperless. And each time at the toilet, he doesn't really have a large volume of pee. But it just means that he understands the need to pee sensation! :)
Today, he's decided to go back on the diaper, I guess cos he's a little grouchy, after hurting his knee when he fell on a really gritty carpark today. However, I'm sure I'll have loads of diapers to give away soon.
At Polliwogs today with an injured knee. |